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  What is Hypnotic childbirth?   什么是催眠分娩?为什么需要采用催眠分娩疗法?
  Hypnotic childbirth is teaching self hypnosis to expectant mothers to be able to use special methods for their negative thoughts and physical responses and replace them with positive ones using cognitive therapy(CBT) and TCM psychotherapy combinations along with other therapies ,such as aromatherapy ,music therapy ,mindfullness methods, visual therapies and color therapies .
  For Expectant mothers,Birthing is one of your most unforgettable experience in life . Hypnotic Childbirth is to be aware and inside of your birthing and in control of your birthing experience for both mother and baby .
  Hypnobirthing is teaching mind relaxation techniques which are helping you to relax your body and prepare it For its most natural expirience .
  Hypnobirthing is a philosophy of waterbirth and they cannot be seperated waterbirth expirience needs hypnobirthing as well as Lamaze techniques are accompanied by hypnobirthing techniques .
  Hypnobirthing teaches how you can connect withy your unborn since the first week of your pregnancy with its purpose which accepts that the baby and mother are birthing together , rather than mother is giving a birth to a child .
  Hypnobirthing is a preparation for the birthing experience both for mother and the baby.
  Hypnobirthing focuses on the fact that fetus is aware of its own birthing and makes this transition as soft as possible in order to help the birthing expirience of mothers bring emotionally healthy childs to the world and do not let birth traumas effect their life as a person .
  Hypnobirthing takes care of the baby's fatal development stages through psychological point of view .Baby's psychological developments starts in intrauterin life.
  Key for a comfortable birth are relaxati,n and confidence that you are in control of the experience. Deep relaxation techniques of Hypnobirthing are effective to enable women to remain centered, focused relaxed ,able to comunicate and guide the baby during their birthing experience. Staying relaxed while birthing allows your body to work as it was designed to. With a harmoy of natural way .Using hypnobirthing techniques also help you to see yourself successfully giving birth naturally,and free of negativity and therefore you are better able to trust your body when actual labor begins since you are fully prepared mentally and phisically.
  Hypno state of deep relaxation, overcome fears; deepen the bond between you and your baby and increase your body's potential to give birth naturally. The aim of Hypno birthing is to allow your mind and body to work in complete harmony before birth and during so you can condition your body and mind to feel positive about the birthing expirience.
  Hypnobirthing does not guarantee a pain-free birth but it guarantees how you can be in control of your pain ,body and fully aware of your birthing expirience When there is a fear adrenaline response causes the circular muscles that need to relax and open to constrict and tighten instead. The vertical muscles that are pulling them up continue to do so, which in itself causes pain . Fear forces you to work against your body not in a harmony with your natural phisiology . When you are fully relaxed and without fear as you go into labour, you enhance the ability of the body’s natural pain relief.as known as endorphins and give pain relief 200 times stronger than morphine!
  Hypnotic Childbirth teaches?
  How to replace fear with excitement how to make their birth experience normal , aware and joyful and soft .
  How to relax your body and mind and go with its natural flow before during and after birth.
  Hypnobirthing involves prenatal preparation exercising classes , birth classes , labour relaxation techniques classes , breathing therapies , self Hypnobirthing techniques visual classes , planning your birth , pre natal meditation classes , guided relaxation , prenatal yoga , couples pregnancy baby development classes and counselling,Parenting counselling sessions after baby is born.

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